7 Days Left in Obama's Presidency

7 Days Left in Obama's Presidency

Memory #4: President Barack Obama Selects Diverse Candidates to Powerful Positions

President Obama did a commendable job appointing two female candidates to high posts, that are supremely qualified, and are both women of color. First, his nomination of Justice Sonia Sotomayor to sit on the most prestigious court and interpret the laws of the land. This decision shifted the paradigm of who makes decisions, to positively impact our nation. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor would be the first Latina (she is of Puerto Rican descent) to serve on the United States Supreme Court.

Secondly, I was proud that he nominated Loretta Lynch, the first African American woman to be the chief law enforcement officer of the nation - as the United States Attorney General. President Obama spoke about inclusion and diversity in the workforce and within educational opportunities on the campaign trail during the 2008 election. To see him select diverse candidates to lead in his Cabinet and the federal judiciary, amazed me. 

As a woman of color it is very rare to see other women of color in high positions (in the public or private sector). His nomination of these women showed the world that women of color are just as qualified and capable of making tough decisions and performing at a high level, as their male counterparts. Furthermore, Obama's focus to empower these women set a standard that women of color should not be overlooked or dismissed. 

Listen to NPR interview with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: 

Watch below, as the Washington Post interviews Attorney General Loretta Lynch:


6 Days Left in Obama's Presidency

6 Days Left in Obama's Presidency

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Trump's Interior Department Nominee: Ryan Zinke