Trump’s Campaign Collapses as More Women Come Forward

Trump’s Campaign Collapses as More Women Come Forward

Trump’s list keeps piling up. But the media’s reaction is still lights, camera and action for the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Why? Media companies learned that streaming the train wreck is highly lucrative. Trump’s campaign is on its’ last legs due to the Washington Post release of a 2005 Access Hollywood tape. Trump’s predatory behavior was on full display as he bragged about how he assaulted women using his celebrity. On the Access Hollywood tape Trump admitted, “When you’re a star, they let you do it,” referring to his ability to grope women and make unsolicited sexual advances.

The following is the (current) list of women who have exposed Trump’s harassment and assault:


Jessica Leeds
Leeds told the New York Times that she experienced unwanted touching on an airplane. Leeds explained to the Times that while she was seated next to Trump, he lifted the armrest that separated the two before the assault began. “He was like an octopus…his hands were everywhere,” informed Leeds.

Rachel Crooks
Rachel Crooks accused Trump of forcing himself onto her in Trump Tower. Crooks told reporters how Trump made her feel, stating, “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.” Like Leeds, the New York Times broke Crooks’ story that was immediately denied by Trump.

Natasha Stoynoff
Also in 2005, People magazine's reporter, Natasha Stoynoff had a similar experience at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Florida estate. Stoynoff recalled what happened once her and Trump were left alone momentarily, “We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.” Stoynoff claims that as soon as Melania reentered the room, Trump acted as if nothing had happened. 

Mindy McGillivray
Mindy McGillivray became the fourth woman to come forward and share her Trump experience with the public. McGillivray told the Palm Beach Post that she was groped by Trump thirteen years ago at an event she attended to assist a photographer. “All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s (photographer) camera, bag that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald [Trump],” according to McGillivray.

Several Miss Teen USA pageant contestants
Several Miss Teen USA pageant contestants offered their Trump experience to Buzz Feed, detailing how the Republican candidate entered the contestants’ dressing room while they were changing. Victoria Hughes, the former Miss New Mexico Teen USA and Mariah Billado, former Miss Vermont Teen USA remembered an incident that aligned with Trump’s account of walking into women’s dressings room unannounced. Trump shared this story during an interview with radio personality Howard Stern. Billado recalled Trump saying, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before,” as he entered the room, prompting the contestants to move quickly to cover up.

Temple Taggart McDowell
Former Miss Utah Temple Taggart McDowell, told NBC News that Trump kissed her twice, both times unsolicited. Emboldened by the courage of other victims coming forward, McDowell shared her story on the “Today” show last week.

Kristin Anderson

Former aspiring model, Kristin Anderson told the Washington Post that Trump slid his fingers underneath her skirt while she was deeply involved in a conversation with colleagues. Anderson’s assault took place on a couch inside a Manhattan nightclub in the early 1990s.  

Summer Zervos
During a press conference on Friday, Summer Zervos said, "This is not what I wanted or expected,” while discussing the unwanted advances from Trump. Zervos was on the fifth season of the “Apprentice” and only sought an opportunity with the Trump brand.

Cathy Heller
Cathy Heller told The Guardian that Trump aggressively ‘grabbed her and went for her mouth and lips,” while attending a Mother's Day brunch at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Florida estate.

Trump’s campaign remains in sharp decline and is freefalling to obscurity. Once the revelations of perpetual assaults surfaced, Trump and his campaign began exerting lots of energy to divert attention away from Trump’s accusers. During a recent campaign rally, Trump instructed the crowd to, “Take a look. You take a look. Look at her look at her words. You tell me what you think. I don't think so. I don't think so… These people are horrible people. They're horrible horrible liars. And interestingly, it happens to appear 26 days before our very important election, isn't it amazing.” The Republican candidate seems content lumping his accusers together with the blanket label of liar. In the primary Trump successfully used elementary name-calling (i.e. "liar") of his opponents to his advantage. 

Trump will continue to answer questions pertaining to sexual assaults till he and his surrogates formulate a believable, coherent alibi for the allegations. 

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