Chicago Police Kill Two After Responding to a Domestic Disturbance

Chicago Police Kill Two After Responding to a Domestic Disturbance

Credit: CBS News/Family Photos

The Chicago Police Department is responsible for the death of two more black citizens. One victim, a 19 year-old engineering student, the other, a 55 year-old mother of five. Saturday morning December 26, 2015, CPD responded to a domestic disturbance on West Erie Street. Upon arrival officers were greeted by 19 year-old, Quintonio Legrier, who at the time was allegedly holding a baseball bat. Before being killed by CPD, Legrier was studying engineering at Northern Illinois University. According to Janet Cooksey, Legrier's mother, one officer opened fire without warning or provocation. Ms. Cooksey said the officer fired eight shots, seven of which struck and killed her son, the other, struck and killed an innocent bystander. 

Later Saturday evening, Chicago Police issued a statement informing the public that as the officer shot Legrier, he accidentally struck and killed a neighbor, Bettie Jones. According to CPD, 'Jones' death was a tragic accident.' 

This shooting comes on the heels of a federal investigation into the practices of Chicago's police force due in part to the mishandling of the Laquan McDonald case and several others. This sort of quick trigger policing has contributed to the scrutiny being levied against the Chicago Police Department, and also the demands for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign his post immediately. 

The officer involved will be placed on paid administrative desk duty for 30 days while the Independent Police Review Authority and its new head, Sharon Fairley, conduct their investigation.

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