London Attack Ends in Death and Chaos

London Attack Ends in Death and Chaos

A vehicle crash followed by a knife wielding melee sends London, England into panic Wednesday evening. A brutal attack was initiated in the heart of the United Kingdom when a person drove across Westminster Bridge. The driver left bodies strewn throughout the rode in its wake as it careened towards Parliament. After crashing into the gates outside Parliament, it is believed the driver exited the car with a large knife. 

Witnesses report observing a man plunge the large knife into the chest of a police officer. The slain officer was later identified as Keith Palmer, a 15 year veteran of the police force.  Five people were confirmed dead as a result of this attack including the knife wielding assailant. Police on the scene subdued the assailant by shooting and killing him. 

In addition to the five dead, dozens were left injured from the attack. 

London Mayor Sadiq Khan sent a strong message to the assailants, "My message to those who want to harm us and destroy our way of life is, you won't succeed, you won't divide us, we won't be cowed by terrorism." 

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