CBO: 24 Million People Will Lose Coverage Under Paul Ryan's Healthcare Plan

CBO: 24 Million People Will Lose Coverage Under Paul Ryan's Healthcare Plan

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office ("CBO") passage of Paul Ryan's American Health Care Act ("Trumpcare") would result in 24 million people losing insurance coverage. Hoping to fulfill his campaign promise of 'repealing and replacing' Obamacare, Donald Trump supported and publicly endorsed Ryan's attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act via Twitter writing on March 7, "Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast!"

Rhetoric from incredulous Republicans after the CBO score was released Monday afternoon indicates their refusal to accept math. At the very least, the CBO can't reasonably be perceived as partisan, especially in this era of Republican governance. Keith Hall, the former Bush White House economist, is current director of the CBO and was appointed by the Republican Congress.  

With several Senate Republicans already expressing skepticism of the bill's merits, this CBO score may represent the final excuse needed for Republican Senators on the fence, to vote against it. The CBO score calculates that 52 million people in the U.S. will be left without insurance by the year 2026.

In the report, the CBO explained that enacting Trumpcare would 'reduce federal deficits by $337 billion.' However, before that savings can be celebrated, it's important to note the deficit savings is a consequence of Trumpcare minimizing the role of medicaid. 

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